TWD: Most of June and even one from May…

Ok…yeah…it’s been awhile…a long while.  I have been busy and unmotivated to use my spare time to post.  I have not, however, been unmotivated to bake.  I have made most of the recipes I have missed.  To actually get this posted, I am going to keep my reactions short and sweet.  From the most current on down…

Sour Cream Chocolate Cake Cookies:  After reading the P & Q, I decided not to offer these without a filling.  I made two ice cream sandwiches for the kids.  Hmmm…I tried one and didn’t go back for a second.  Will ate his but didn’t ask for a second.  Colin ate three bites and walked away.  Not a hit around here.  The chocolate flavor was just too weak, I think.

Date/Nut Loaf:  Didn’t get to it.  I just knew it would not be well received around here and I am not in a position to be the office baker at the moment.

Chocolate Biscotti:  I got pretty small cookies.  They were good.  Biscotti is not really my thing but I was curious about the chocolate.  I did take the rest of these to work and they flew off the table.

Blueberry Plain Cake:  I was originally planning a post comparing this to the Oatmeal Nutmeg scones but, alas, that didn’t happen.  In short, we liked this but ended up not quite eating it all.  I can’t really tell you why.  Seemed like the perfect breakfast cake to me but maybe (subconsciously for some) we are trying to eat healthier breakfasts.

Oatmeal Nutmeg Scones:  Dorie’s scones and I are not friends.  Period.

7 responses to “TWD: Most of June and even one from May…

  1. Exactly what I love in a catch-up post, short, to the point, informative, definite opinions! Good to know you are still alive. I figured busy mom/house on market/two youngsters/husband needs attention/cooking/baking/errand running/not a lot of “me time” = “she’ll be back sooner or later….” Hope you are having a great summer. And, just in case you think you weren’t missed: you were.

  2. Too bad the cookies weren’t a hit around your house. Those and the cake look fab! Glad you’re back! 🙂

  3. They weren’t very chocolaty, but I made sandwich cookies with cinnamon filling and they were perfect. Way to catch up with all the baking, too!

  4. Nice job playing catch up with the posts! I didn’t finish the plain cake either, and I’m not sure why. It was good but…something else was always more appealing.

  5. Sorry you didn’t love these cookies!

  6. I think these cookies would have been a major hit around my house. yours look beautiful!

  7. Way to get ‘er done.
    I can tell you I made Dorie’s cream scones (for next week) (I added mini chocolate chips and toffee bits) and they are really good.

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