TWD: Bananas and Chocolate for Breakfast!

Dear Earth –

Let me just start with the apology.  I realize I live smack dab in the middle of the United States…which puts me very very far from any real live banana trees.  I understand about carbon footprints, peak oil, pesticide abuse and botanical diversity.  And I realize that my consumption of bananas is pretty much a slap in the face to them all.  But, and it’s a big but, I can’t help myself.

Oh, I try to be good.  I recycle, use canvas shopping bags, buy the curlicue lightbulbs.  I shop at the organic farmers’ market and, dang it, I even ride my bike there.  But I can’t quit my bananas, not quite a “local” food.  A college aquaintance called bananas nature’s most perfect fruit and he may be right.  No washing, no seeds, no sticky juice, great alone and even better with yogurt, chocolate, oatmeal and so on.  If we could eliminate banana breath…perfection!

So, yeah, I’m still eating bananas.  I enjoyed a couple this week (with chocolate!) in the Black and White Banana Loaf chosen by Ashlee of A Year in the Kitchen.  Good for dessert or breakfast.  Some people had problems with runny batter and underbaked loaves but mine was great.  See?  The bananas are just returning the love.  It’s not my fault I don’t hail from the land of bananas (or mangoes, but let’s not even go there). 

I will keep trying but we are just going to have come to a truce on the bananas.  ‘Kay?  Great.  I knew you’d understand.


PS  If I don’t make this loaf again soon, can we consider it water conservation? 


Banana bread lovers check out all of the loaves here.

Next week: Blueberry Sour Cream Ice Cream.  Can’t wait!

Special thanks to my egg cracking expert this week (yes, there is a pineapple in the background…it’s a weakness).

28 responses to “TWD: Bananas and Chocolate for Breakfast!

  1. Ha! Your post made me laugh out loud. Global warming and the whole carbon footprint thing don’t mean much when you have banana bread to bake! Right on! Yeah, like what grows in Vegas? NOTHING!!

  2. Too funny! Your marbling looks wonderful!!

  3. LOL! funny post. Your banana bread looks great! Lovely marbling.

  4. Some things are just too difficult to contemplate giving up. Bananas are definitely one of those things. Great post. Great photos…great looking bread!

  5. Sometimes one must make sacrifices to enjoy the good things in life – like this cake. Good Job. Great pics.

  6. Thanks for the comment. Your marbling looks unbelievable! And don’t worry- I’m a serial banana eater too!

  7. I was nodding in agreement all the way through your post – I’ve tried to leave bananas in the store, but eventually they make it into my cart and into my house. Lovely job with the loaf – I think you’ve done a great service to the banana, which HAS to somehow erase a carbon footprint or two. It HAS to!!

  8. Breakfast! Oh, ya! I love it!

  9. How funny! I can only imagine the leg cramps we would all suffer without bananas! Your bread looks beautiful.

  10. Y aknow, I think it is awesome that you even mentioned the carbon footprint issue with these bananas!! I am very into buying loal, but I’ll admit- I didn’t even THINK ABOUT IT, when I bought mine. -_- I’m impressed that you did!

  11. I so envy your marbling. Gorgeous!

  12. Great post and your banana bread looks delicious!

  13. I so agree with yuo re: bananas – I try and buy everything local, but we just dont grown bananas in NZ (well, not to buy at the markets – I could possibly grow my own and eat like one banana a year!!)

  14. Too funny. Local bananas probably wouldn’t be too good coming from the Midwest for me either.

  15. Its perfect for breakfast! That’s when I ate it! Yours looks delicious!

  16. That is one beautiful loaf–yep you are right, the bananas are just returning the love…

  17. LOL…I need my bananas, or else I would be totally potassium deficient! Great job on your loaf!

  18. Very cute post! I’m sure that Earth understands. The lure of bananas is just too great!

    Your loaf turned out great. The marbling is just perfect!

  19. Great post! LOL…banana breath! It looked beautiful and it was obviously enjoyed! Well done.

  20. Great marbling, and this one made crazy dishes, didn’t it?

  21. Great commentary to go with that scrumptious looking loaf.

  22. Your loaf looks gorgeous!

  23. You crack me up. Here in the midwest we have corn. Lots of corn. No bananas though. It’s a weakness of mine. Does it help that I compost the banana skins?

    Nice loaf!

  24. We eat as much local food as we can, but bananas, coffee, flour, and chocolate must come from elsewhere. We do what we can, but life without bananas, coffee, flour, and chocolate wouldn’t be worth living!

  25. I eat a banana almost every morning and my husband, who wants nothing to do with bananas, likes to remind me that a fungus is wiping out the plants and because there are so few varieties grown that it is likely they will all die out! I can’t imagine life without bananas. I know scientists are working to solve the problem and develop new varieties, I just hope they work quickly.

  26. I laughed my way through your post! Your banana bread turned out beautifully!

  27. what a cute post! I laughed all the way through it!
    Beautiful Marbling job too!!

  28. My 5yo Brianna loves to crack eggs, too. =) Your banana loaf looks terrific!

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