TWD: Sweet Cream Biscuits (and 2 Yrs of TWD Highlights)

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WARNING:  LOOONNNGGG post ahead.  Grab a glass of wine.

I made the biscuits a couple of weeks ago and used them for Strawberry Shortcake.  I am not sure I could ever say that I craved strawberry shortcake and I probably wouldn’t list it among my favorite desserts….but I need to have it at least once a year, preferably in Spring.  I didn’t taste the biscuits alone but they did a fine job holding up their end of the strawberry shortcake.

As I sat struggling with something interesting to say about biscuits (that I didn’t really taste), it occurred to me that I have been a (mostly faithful) TWD participant for about 2 years.  I don’t make a big deal about my “blogiversaries” because I don’t really make a big deal about my blog.  It is 95% documentation of my TWD baking.

I was actually baking ahead this weekend and made the Quick Classic Berry Tart.  Without giving too much away, it is one of the prettiest TWD desserts I have made.  That got me thinking about all of the desserts I have made as part of this group, many of which I loved at the time but have been pushed aside for the literal flavor of the week.  I was motivated to go back through the list and try to make some semblance of it all.

So….after 104 TWD recipes, I couldn’t come up with a top 10 list but I do have some highlights:

1.  Sentimental favorite:  Most Extraordinary Lemon Cream Tart.  I didn’t officially start my blog until the next week but this is the first one I made.  and I loved it.

2.  Most likely to make me move to Antarctica and abandon the showing of skin foreverChocolate Chunkers and Chocolate Malted Whopper Drops.  My word, the cookies and the dough are ridiculously good.  I haven’t made either again because I can’t afford to grow out of my wardrobe.

3.  Happy coincidence:  I chose the Fresh Mango Bread and I genuinely loved it.  It would be in my tops list even if it wasn’t my pick.

4.  The no fail chapter:  Dorie has a way with brownies, yes she does.  There were four recipes that had exclamation points in my notes.

5.   I didn’t know I could do that:  I have always loved chocolate pudding and lemon (lime)meringue pie.  Assuming they were out of my league, I had never made either homemade.  I may never go back.

6.  You could have fooled me:  I didn’t think I liked carrot cake.  Big Bill’s changed that.  I was not looking forward to the Swedish Visiting Cake.  That was a mistake.

7.  Who knew nectarines could be so good:  The summer fruit galette was amazing.  Make it this summer.  Every day.

8.  I don’t care what it looks likeFour Star Chocolate Bread Pudding.  5 stars at least.

9.  RevelationChocolate Oatmeal Almost Candy Bars.  It’s too long to explain here but this may be the cosmic justification for me belonging to this group.

10.  I don’t care what you think:  I loooovved the low and lush chocolate cheesecake.  It seemed like that was a minority opinion.

11.  I can’t believe I still haven’t made them:  There are a couple of recipes that were picked before I joined that I still cannot believe I haven’t tried:  The brown sugar apple cheesecake and the almost fudge gateau.  Both seem so appealing to me that I am floored I haven’t yet made them.   One of these days…

12.  Recipe piquing my curiousity:  Far Breton.  OK.  I know it is “eggy” and, you know what, eggy isn’t my favorite either.  But, for reasons unknown, I keep waiting with anticipation for someone to pick this one.  I guess it’s because I have never had it or seen it.

Next week:  chockablock cookies.  I think I will add the coconut to this one to keep temptation at bay.  Next week at this time I will be in Puerto Rico…extra cookies not needed.  For this week’s recipe visit Love at First Bite.

20 responses to “TWD: Sweet Cream Biscuits (and 2 Yrs of TWD Highlights)

  1. Congrats on two years of blogging! Strawberry shortcake sounds like an inspired idea!

  2. Your biscuits look great! Love the review. Isn’t TWD the best?

  3. I thought of using the biscuits for strawberry shortcake, too, but it’s not my favorite either, so I went with other changes.
    Fun to see your list of TWD faves. I need to do something like that (if even just for my own knowledge).

  4. “Ooh, and have fun in PR.” (She said jealously.) jk Lovin’ our spring weather.

  5. That strawberry shortcake looks great! I loved your two year reflections. You’re so right, I rarely go back to past TWD recipes unless they are favorites with friends or at work (#1 in that category is the Tall and Creamy Cheesecake, #2 is Bill’s Big Carrot Cake, #3 is all the brownies).

  6. I love your TWD highlights. I have baked so many thing I would never have if not for TWD! Gotta love this group.
    Your biscuits look great!

  7. Fun to see all your favs…you and I don’t match at all…LOL LOL! Well, except for the lemon things. Goes to show there is something for everyone to love in that book, doesn’t it?? Your shortcake looks so good…no one told me biscuits could be served with fruit and whipped cream, but you and Tracey both did it…maybe I could be a biscuit lover after all.

  8. Strawberry shortcake. That sounds delicious. Similar to how I had them with cream and jam. I look forward to my two year anniversary having only been blogging since January. It’s great to have all those recipes on your cooking belt.

  9. I’m impressed you bake ahead of time! I’m a Monday nighter most of the time. 🙂 Love your highlights list.

  10. Congrats on two years of doing this! I never would have believed it before doing it for well over a year myself, but it really does take a high level of commitment and determination to bake and eat insanely decadent desserts week in and week out.

    Great list – we have many overlaps (the choc. chunkers and whopper drops sent me straight to Weight Watchers; that carrot cake may be illegal in ten states; and my Uncle Jimmy from CT is still talking about the time he visited us in ‘Bama and I made him the summer fruit galette).

    Great thinking to turn these into shortcakes! I hope you’re willing to eat shortcakes at least one more time before the summer is over (she said cryptically) . . .

  11. 2 years – woot woot!!!
    break out the champagne and celebrate with some biscuits 🙂

  12. Wow! Two years! I just posted my 100th post this week. I will have to check when my one year blogoversary comes up. Loved the look back through the recipes. I think I joined in September of last year. I had the book long before joining the group. Still, there’s a lot of recipes I still can’t wait to try. Yummy looking strawberry shortcake. 🙂

  13. OMG, brown sugar apple cheesecake… whyyyy haven’t I made this one either?!!

    I think we have a lot in common as far as foods go! Minus the bread pudding. yuck-o!

    Happy 2 year twd anniversary!

  14. I love the recap- congrats on two years!

  15. What a great recap! 🙂 I was just thinking about many of these as I went through an checked off all the recipes today. Happy 2 year TWD anniversary!

  16. Nice trip down the baking memory lane. Mango bread was a surprise favorite of mine too.

  17. Your strawberry shortcake looks wonderful! Maybe in a couple of months when strawberries are in season here…
    Congrats on 2 years with TWD–I admire your perseverance. I’ve only been around a few months and it’s tough to bake every week!

  18. Congratulations on two years of blogging. What an accomplishment. Such a good idea to make the biscuits into strawberry shortcake – I wish I would have thought of that a month ago when strawberries were in season here. Now I have a goal for next year!

  19. I’ll be celebrating 2 years next month, Kelly. Can’t believe how time flies or how many wonderful recipes we’ve been able to try. I really feel excited when I bake something that seems out of my league and it’s a completely gorgeous and delicious success! Nice job on the biscuits, even if you didn’t really “taste” them. 🙂 Keep up the great work!

  20. Two Years. You go, girl. Great blog. Biscuits look like they made a good strawberry shortcut.

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